Creative Commons

Wherever my work has included the work of others released under a Creative Commons Licence, I have given attribution, whether required or not, as close to the source of the new work as is reasonably possible, linking to the original asset author, in accordance with Creative Commons copyright licenses. Where such attribution has not been possible due to the nature of the media type, I have included attribution in an article on this website, or in the list of credits below. If you notice an asset being used in my work where attribution should be supplied but is not present, this is likely a mistake on my part. Please contact me and I’ll add the necessary attribution or remove the asset.

Other licensed works

Thank you to all the creative people who make their work available to others via libraries under various commercial licenses.

Credit roll

Additionally, I would like to give special thanks to the people listed below for their incredible, inspirational works:


Echoes Of A Distant Land

One Night In Kyiv

Children of Kyiv

Bella Mozzarella

Unsplash Image Credits

The Funky Mummers' Dance

A Thousand Wishes

Bamboo Wedding Bells


The Protector

Tell Me Your Secret


Finbar The Whistling Fish

Brand New Day

Unsplash Image Credits

Pixabay Video Credits


Talking To The Sun

Splashes of Colour

First Rains of Summer

Clockwork Girl

Married In The Morning

Angels In The Forest

Licuala Dreaming

Love and Glory

Image Credits

Drums of Independence

Image Credits

Roxy MacLean

Thunder Queen

Image credits

Castles in the Sky

Image Credits



Good Robot


Into The Night

Website Header Images
