Music around the world
It's a pleasure to find bands playing my music around the world. I always enjoy listening to how different people interpret the same piece of music. That diversity is what gives music its intrinsic sense of joy and surprise.
If you have a video or recording you'd like listed here of your band playing one of my tunes, please contact me with the details and I'll list your band on this page. Don't forget to include your band's website link.
Peoples Ford Boghall & Bathgate Pipe Band playing Walking The Surf at the 2019 World Pipe Band Championships — starts around 2:56
Peoples Ford Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band | West Lothian
Official website of Peoples Ford Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band based in West Lothian, Scotland, United Kingdom
Celtic Pipe Band (Nelson) performing the Groovin' Green Apron in Buchanan Street, Glasgow during Piping Live 2019.
Celtic Pipe Band (Nelson) performing the Three Sided Slide in Buchanan Street, Glasgow during Piping Live 2019 - starts around 4:53
Celtic Pipe Band (Nelson) | Learn Bagpipes and Drums.
Celtic Pipe Band (Inc.) is based in Stoke, Nelson. We provide high level bagpipe and drumming tuition.
Colin MacLeod & Rory Sinclair peforming The Tourist on the track Glen Tilt/ the Tourist as part of their CD Roaming Free — starts
The Tourist - Alvis Kerr - Sønderborg Pipes and Drums
Alvis and I played together in the early days of Boghall and Bathgate Pipe Band and it is a pleasure to hear him playing The Tourist with his own distinctive touch of flair.
Forside - Sønderborg Pipes and Drums
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